What do you need to look for when Investing in New Cryptocurrency Coins

With the cryptocurrency new coins, the market is constantly growing. More and more people are making big bucks and investing in the next big thing. There are thousands of different virtual currencies, so how do you know which one to invest in? That is the question we will try to answer in this article. There is obviously no magic formula but smart tactics that, if followed properly, can give optimal results. We will list below some aspects that you should analyze in a cryptocurrency to measure its potential: Understand the project proposal The cryptocurrency new coins represent a new technology , so each coin can be seen as a project. In other words, what problem is this project trying to solve? We already know that Bitcoin proposes to solve the problem of financial transactions by allowing each user to be his own bank. When we don't rely on intermediaries, it becomes a huge innovation. The world does not need another Bitcoin, after all, it already has one....